Seeding Inspiration: How Volunteering Nurtures Potential

In a world where inspiration is a catalyst for change, the Inspirational Speakers project stands as a beacon of hope and motivation for children from underserved communities. This project brings together UiPath employees and children from the Future Acceleration Program with big dreams who are faced with even bigger challenges. The adults step out of their professional roles to share their personal and professional journeys with the kids, and in their 30-minute sessions, they recount their life stories, highlighting the good, the bad, and the inspiring.


Our goal is not only to expand the array of potential professional avenues for our kids but also to seed and nurture the belief that they too can overcome adversity and achieve greatness. By hearing firsthand accounts of resilience, determination, and success, the children are encouraged to dream bigger and strive for a brighter future. This initiative highlights the profound impact that sharing real-life stories of overcoming challenges can have on shaping the aspirations and the future of kids.

The third edition of Inspirational Speakers

Seven multifaceted volunteers from the UiPath global community of employees came together to share their stories of hardship, joy, and motivation with the kids. Through their openness to vulnerability, the children saw how some of their role models approach challenges, learned to see the good in even the worst situations, and how to harness their potential to change their narrative.


Every year, this project gives the kids hope for the future, and every year, we celebrate the invaluable role our volunteers play in shaping their path. So we want you to get to know every one of them, one story at a time.

Iulia Istrate, Senior Director at UiPath & our volunteer

Meet Iulia, always curious & scoliosis advocate

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

I hope that the story I shared will give hope to children that no matter the adversities one goes through in life, they will find both the inner and outer resources to overcome them. I have to admit that for me it was a bit therapeutic to go through my memories, how I perceive my past, and to reframe it into a story that is easy to understand for children. So, my motivation to sign up for this experience was not only to share my path and listen to the children’s curiosities but also to slow down a bit from the day-to-day rush and be more mindful of how I can have a positive impact on future generations.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

There were two moments that marked me.


In my story, I have shared the difficult moments I faced as a child with a physical disability and how I felt like a misfit. Among the audience, a girl sent me an encouraging message saying that I am not alone in this, as she is managing the same disability. This melted my heart, because I felt not only heard and understood, but less lonely. It is impressive how much power words have.


One participant asked me if I am happy. As I was not expecting such a powerful question, my world suddenly stopped. Am I happy? I felt happy at that point in time because I got that question and it reminded me to reflect on what happiness is and how I want to experience it. This is one of the lessons I have learned in the Inspiration Speakers sessions.

Meet Cristi, experience seeker & daydreamer student

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

In both my personal and professional life, I try my very best to help those around me. I want to have a positive impact on people, and this was my main motivation for signing up for the program. As any other person on this planet, I have faced my fair share of hardships, failures but also achievements. Today, I value all of them equally, each conquered obstacle being a part of who I am. By sharing our stories about what opportunities are out there and how to handle defeat, I think that children can allow themselves to dream, to discover and to explore. Positive models can have an incredible impact on children, and that is why we need to keep sharing these stories.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

I can struggle with giving myself enough credit for the things I do. I am always on the lookout for the “next step”, never giving myself time to rest and enjoy where I am now. When making my presentation, I had to look at my life map and I realised that I regret nothing. I carry every decision with me and I am proud of it. We’re often waiting for that big moment in our lives when we can say “I’ve finally made it!” when probably in these children’s eyes we have already “made it”. It was a humbling experience, and I enjoyed every second of answering their questions and interacting with them. We ought to respect our lives and our achievements more despite everything.

Cristian Cristache, Associate Software Engineer at UiPath & our volunteer

Kamini Gupta, Senior HR Manager at UiPath & our volunteer

Meet Kamini, vibrant creativity catalyst & passion explorer

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

Growing up, I faced numerous challenges and obstacles that I had to overcome. These experiences have given me valuable insights into resilience, determination, and the importance of perseverance. Hence, I wanted to share my personal story about trying, failing, and flying. I believe sharing these stories with the children can inspire them to face their own challenges with courage and determination.


My motivation comes from a deep desire to make a positive impact on young lives. I remember how impactful it was for me to hear stories of individuals who had overcome adversity and achieved their dreams. I wanted to be that source of inspiration for others, especially for children who might be going through tough times. If my experiences can offer them hope, encouragement, and the belief that they can overcome any obstacles, then I feel like I’ve made a meaningful contribution.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

To my surprise, so many young kids in the audience asked questions about culture, food, what I do, etc. Kids were curious to know more. I remember back then that I could not ask questions during a session; I kept them to myself. This calls out how bold kids are to ask and clarify.


The session became a celebration of curiosity, where each child felt comfortable asking anything on their mind. It was a beautiful reminder that curiosity knows no bounds and that we should all approach learning with the same fearless enthusiasm as these children.


It reinforced my belief that fostering curiosity in children is essential for their development. By encouraging them to ask questions and explore the world around them, we empower them to become lifelong learners.

Meet Silviu, improvement-oriented engineer, out-of-the-box thinker, DIY advocate, sports enjoyer

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

During my presentation, I aimed to provide the guidance I wish I had received during my own youth. In today’s fast-paced world, where technologies evolve daily, this mission becomes even more critical. Unfortunately, these children are still navigating an educational system that remains outdated, much like the one my parents experienced. It’s a privilege to impact their lives and genuinely empathize with their struggles. As a young person, I too sought the light at the end of the tunnel. Back then, I encountered only abstract theories without real-world examples of success. Now, with hindsight, I hope to illuminate a simpler path for them, one marked by milestones and grounded in essential principles. Rather than comparing themselves to others, I encourage them to measure progress against their older selves. If I can nudge even one child toward this easier, more engaging direction, I consider it a significant success.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

I found comfort in the fact that I can still relate to children’s interests, safeguarding myself from becoming an early grumpy old man. Sharing common passions, whether sports, games, cars, or pets, allows us to bridge generational gaps. I was amazed by someone’s actual interest in my favorite car’s maker, model and year. Also, it was nice to hear another child’s joy in his voice when he realized we had a pet with the same name! Despite our different life stages, we remain fundamentally the same.

Silviu Stanimir, UiPath alumni & our volunteer

Laura Moraru, Technology Alliance Manager at UiPath alumni & our volunteer

Meet Laura, active, curious & sociable

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program? 

I remember from my youth that what was really helpful and encouraging for me was to hear stories from more experienced people about life, about their passion, as well as personal examples on where they find inspiration and the strength to overcome challenges or personal life difficulties.


My motivation to be an Inspirational Speaker is to give back the inspiration I received when I was their age and to encourage them to explore and have an open mind for new learning experiences that can make them more resilient and optimistic looking at the future and to new challenges. I firmly believe that being exposed to positive new activities they can access resources that they not even imagined that are within themselves and/or in their surrounding / community.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

One of the things I have learnt is that their energy, enthusiasm and curiosity is so contagious. I felt lucky and grateful for being in the position to share examples of my life and the whole preparation for the session was insightful for me personally as it gave me a reason for self-reflection on my past, present and future.


Another thing that really stood out from my session was the kids’ motivation to find out about my favorite things in hobbies and other interests, that I as an adult I even forgot to ask myself. This reminded me about being PRESENT and understanding the motivation behind even small things. From time to time, it is worth to question my default options, even for minor things like favorite food or drink and to be open to explore with other choices.

Meet Corina, traveler, learner, and aspiring psychotherapist

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

When I first saw the call-out for Inspirational Speakers, I didn’t enroll because I didn’t consider my story ‘inspiring’. I had a desire to get involved, so when I saw the second call-out, I actually asked myself the same question: how can my experience benefit the children in the program?


I realized that my story can provide options. I don’t believe there’s one specific way to lead our education, career, or life. Depending on our values, aspirations and desires, we can build whatever is meaningful for us. This was my motivation to sign up as an Inspirational Speaker – I knew that the children who would hear my story and the ones’ of my colleagues would actually receive different options and examples, which can help widen their perspective on what they could do in the future as well.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

What stood out is not necessarily a particular moment, but their energy, curiosity and ability to take everything with a bit of fun. I had all these thoughts before the session – about what I should say, if it will be useful for them, and so on. What the kids reminded me is to not take myself too seriously and to bring a bit of curiosity in everything I do.

Corina Băcanu, Talent Development Manager at UiPath & our volunteer

Suzana Neacșu, Customer Success Manager at UiPath & our volunteer

Meet Suzana, a firm believer in the value of connecting with people rather than networking

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

I have a 13-year-old daughter, and I empathize quite a bit with teenagers. I know their struggles and need for reassurance that they are normal and unique at the same time, that it is ok not to know lots of things, to learn from mistakes and most of all, not to put too much pressure on them. I know for a fact adolescents tend to look up to or confess to people outside their family, at least for these years, and they need healthy examples. Also, they are more open and receptive to personal experiences. This was such a refreshing experience for me as well, to connect with young minds and to, hopefully, leave a positive mark in their life.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

What  stuck with me is when one of the girls asked me if I take my daughter with me when hiking. It is so important to be a role model, especially for your kids and this is my takeaway after the two sessions. Kids are teaching us the most valuable life lessons.

Meet Alina, passionate about learning and continuous growth

How do you believe your personal experience benefits the children in the program?

My decision to sign up for the program was driven by the idea that some parts of my story could resonate with the children and more important, help them see a little bit in the future. My hope was that it will be a perspective for some of them on how every experience can be a building block for a better life. With change being the constant of my life, both wanted and unwanted, what I learned is that I am adaptable and that is a skill that we all can grow, and that helps us navigate the uncertainty of life. This is the narrative I am telling my niece, and I know it helps her.


What is the moment that stands out to you from your session?

What amazed me was how nervous I was, how emotional. I held presentations with bigger groups, more “important” audiences, professionally speaking. But the kind of responsibility I felt talking to a group of kids on what and how I am delivering the message was something new, marvelous, and scary at the same time. They received it with such grace and openness and their questions, focused on their current struggles and unclarities made me relax as I realized that each will take from what I say what makes sense now. In the end, I was left with only gratitude, towards the children and the amazing team creating the context for this event to happen.

Alina Marin, Senior Technical Program Manager at UiPath & our volunteer

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Annual Report 2023