Our main focus

The Children from

The children living with poverty are most affected by the current global digital advancement; overlooking their needs will increase the risk of becoming adults unable to cope with the many challenges of a digital future.

Educational Programs

Our Presence in Romania

The future acceleration program

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We focus on identifying children from communities that experience poverty and exclusion in Romania and India (aged 11 to 17) and activate their potential through a long - term 360-degree support system that addresses the challenges of child deprivation.

In our approach, we take into consideration and carefully look after all aspects that may influence children’ participation in educational activities.

The intervention consists in:

Educational support

tutoring classes, educational camps

Involving the community

teachers, schools, other local stakeholders

Material support

scholarships, clothes, school supplies

Medical support

regular medical tests, dentistry, ophthalmology

Early Education Forward

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Together with our strategic partner, Ovidiu Ro Association, we focus on offering children born in poor families the chance for a good start in school and in life, by ensuring their access to quality early education and by exposing them to age-appropriate educational resources and tools.

The program’s key indicators:

1800 Teachers trained

84 master teachers trained directly and more than 1740 trained with the help of the master teachers

74 Kinder Libraries

offered to Kindergartens

12500 books

to take home offered to children in the communities

Nurture the Teachers’ potential

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We aim to improve the quality of education in underprivileged communities, by working closely with teachers and help them better serve the educational needs of the children.

Enabling teachers to see and develop children’s potential


Strategic partners

Legal partners

Allies for impact

Annual Report 2023