Get the 2023 
Annual Report

Discover more about our intervention

You’re 12 years old and grappling with the big question…

what should I be when I grow up?

You seek someone out to talk about it, beyond your parents or teachers, someone who has gone through what you’re going through and has figured it all out. One day, you go to camp, or attend an online webinar, and you meet a volunteer.

The conversation that follows eases your mind, transforming uncertainties into hopeful dreams for the future and empowering you to move forward and reach for the stars. It’s the push you needed to change your path.

The 2023 Annual Report is…

a love letter to our volunteers

You are not mere participants in our programs, but active agents of change and progress in the lives of the children we serve. You serve as a reminder that when individuals come together with a shared purpose, they have the power to create immense positive change.

At UiPath Foundation, we connect children with volunteers, creating the context for invaluable mentorship opportunities, because we believe in the transformative force of community, and the priceless value of each individual within it.

Annual Report 2023