The reporting mechanism

Remember the puzzle pieces that we talked about in our Policy?

Here is the best place to tell us if they are broken or lost, which means that you do not feel safe in our offline and online interactions, during our Educational Programs or if you have any concerns that you need to address.

So, you can fill in the form below
So, you can fill in the form below
I want to submit a
concern/complaint, regarding:

Tell us the name of the activities or the name of the program:

Where did it happen:

Tell us the name of your friend and and how can we contact him/ her to help him/ her:

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So, what

Describe what happened with your own words, as you recall it. The reported person's name, when and where it happened. Please give us all the details that you can think of, as many as you can. Also, if you have people that can confirm what you are saying, please tell us. It is important for us to match all the puzzle pieces together and create the complete picture.

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Are you sure
that is all?

This is a safe place, you can share anything else with us if you feel like it. If not, you can simply write: I am ok for now.

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What you need to know:

Your submission is confidential. Nobody will know except you and two other persons from UiPath Foundation. No one else.

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Annual Report 2023