This is a heartfelt thank you for those who took their time and invested their energy to get involved, help and further the UiPath Foundation credo of giving agency to kids in underprivileged families and communities, even in this all-around-tough, pandemic year.

We know that words are not enough and figures seem to fall flat in expressing the gratitude we hold for each and every one of the people who extended a helping hand this year, but we will try to do them justice.

A year’s worth of amazing volunteering

A big round of applause and digital praise to our 76 volunteers, who donated their time and expertise, their hearts and hard work, investing about 775 hours throughout 2020. Despite the complicated pandemic setting and the multitude of restrictions, we managed to design and implement some important activities that aim, to provide, in the long run, better assistance to the children who really need it.

We worked hard and with a big help from our volunteers, managed to set some great things in motion. Here are some highlights.

● 6 robotic process automation online workshops for the kids developed and rolled-out during the summer of 2020

● 62 laptops and computers donated during the IT Devices Donation Campaign

● More than 20 volunteers that participated in the welcoming session of the Virtual Kids Camp (4 of them having organized arts and craft, sports and photography workshops for the kids during the camp) in September 2020

50 volunteers enrolled and ran over 600 km in the 2020 Bucharest Marathon Virtual Run articulating the message “We run our path, so the kids can run the future”

● Around 40 volunteers participated in our Christmas activities dedicated to children in Romania

● The UiPath Foundation website is up and running due to the commitment and support of an enthusiast UiPath volunteer

● Three volunteers developed the automation solutions for the teachers’ enrolment process in online training sessions provided by our partner Digital Nation, meant to ease the use of technology in online education in the wake of the lockdown in Romania

● Constant support and guidance on various legal aspects provided by volunteers with legal background and expertise

● Our mentorship program brought together 65 mentors and 80 kids, with 526 hours of quality time spent together in Romania and India

Our volunteering joy is made of their words

And while we are on the subject of mentoring, we find it more than fitting to let some of the kids tell you about their experiences with the mentorship program. We find their thoughts heart-warming and empowering for all involved and beyond.

I am Patricia and I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that you are super-humans! I have learned so much from my volunteer, Margareta, whom I hug and miss so much! I have learned that kindness is the most important and that each person can help when he/she desires! Thank you!


I am Robert and I am 12. My experience with Constantin, my volunteer, was nice and interesting -we’ ve been through many experiences that made me so happy! I learnt to get rid of negative emotions and to see life from a different perspective!


I appreciate your nice behaviour, your guidance and the fact that you listen to us whenever we have a problem… Happy Volunteers Day to all the mentors and volunteers of UiPath Foundation!


Our dear mentors and volunteers,

Thank you for your help and for being there for us!

Thank you for taking care of us in the camp.

And thank you for everything that you do for us now! You are wonderful people!


What I like about Raluca is that we can talk about so many things, she is, for me, a good friend and a sister – she is always there for me and she helps me. Raluca is that kind of person that gives you courage in the hardest moments, she is just wonderful.


How about some thoughts from our mentors?

Now that we heard from the kids, let’s shift focus and let our mentors tell us why they joined the UiPath Foundation program and how they hope to be of service.

I joined the mentorship program because I believe in a better future and investing time in helping children reach their full potential is the best investment for this future.


I joined the mentorship program to be able to contribute back to society and help in my own way. I would like to take this chance to thank all the mentors in my life, and a big shout out to all my fellow UiPath Foundation volunteers!


I take this chance to be a mentor because I strongly believe that each child has a word to say for a better future and I want to be here to support them.


The online volunteers’ celebration event

In order to give a shout – out to our wonderful volunteers, even if only digitally, we were very happy to get together with as many of them as possible in our Virtual Volunteers’ Celebration Event, that other-wisely might have been a gala.  The get together was digitally translated in an online happening with talks, debates and surprises.

The event agenda guided us in celebration through the year’s achievements, considering the cards 2020 dealt, we must say we are delighted with the outcome.

There was a very entertaining talk, lead by our own Raluca Negulescu-Balaci, with fellow volunteers from partner organizations both in Romania (Alexandra Mitrică – Teach for Romania) and in India (Vishal Talreja – Dream a Dream) about how they got involved in volunteering, heartwarming experiences they had along the way, but most of all, about the joys of giving back to society and volunteering with kids.

We got the chance to hear a very inspiring and uplifting story from Daniel Dines, the CEO of UiPath, who graciously joined us in celebrating the volunteering effort.

We also had a talk with our former President of the Board of the UiPath Foundation, Alexandra Dines, who brought a message of gratitude and hope towards all our volunteers.

And as an added bonus we enjoyed a Zoom concert performed by We Singing Colors, fellow volunteering enthusiasts and a band with whom the foundation had at least a few serendipitous crossings in our common path to contribute to a better world.

Our surprise gift to our volunteers was the birth of the UiPath Foundation forest – we planted one tree for each of the volunteers and mentors – 126 in total, with the help of Tree Nation platform – in India, supporting the Trees for Tribals initiative. The forest will definitely keep growing, just as this wonderful community will do – with the support of so many amazing people joining our efforts!

Even though digital, our celebration was close to our hearts as we got to send out a message of gratitude, togetherness and service. A big thank you to all the volunteers out there – you are doing an amazing job! And for the story to live

2021 in the making

We are ready for a new year to start (we think everyone is) and we have big plans for it. Our wish is to involve even more volunteers in our programs by offering them a diverse menu of activities to choose from, ways to lend a hand that best suit their personalities, time allowance and particular interests.

Together with our exceptional volunteers, we support underprivileged children to own their path to the future with confidence and courage.

Annual Report 2023