Volunteers & Volunteering

Flori Petre

Silviu Predan

Senior Technical Enablement Engineer

186 hours volunteered in 2023

Volunteer since 2023
The most volunteering hours gifted to the kids in 2023
Purna Singh

In the summer of 2023, he signed up for his first-ever U&I Summer Camp. The two weeks at camp – during which, among other things, he says he played a lot of soccer – were “the best experience of the whole year for me, more interesting than my holidays”.

Besides being a camp volunteer, Silviu is also one of the trainers in the Own Your Path high school programming course, a role in which he feels great because, according to him, he likes teaching kids. He wants to pass on the awe-inspiring idea that “in technology, it’s so simple to make something useful”. His 10th-grade students worked on a mobile musical app: a piano keyboard.

They’re involved and active. They ask when they are uncertain of something. I’m happy when I see that they like the course, that they find it useful, and that they learn new things. I think it will help them in their careers in the future. Maybe they’ll like programming, or perhaps they’ll get an idea for an app, and they’ll make a business out of it. I’m delighted to think that the class I teach can improve their lives.

Annual Report 2023